A graphic organizer used for in-depth vocabulary exploration.
Students use a 4-Square Map to analyze an exothermic reaction (the burning of methane). The word is exothermic and the four corners are: Graph, Opposite, Definition, and Example. The best part of this activity is the conversations between the lab partners.
The Mind/Concept Map (4-Square) strategy used to explore four other vocabulary strategies.
Online Sample: YouTube
To explore one key vocabulary word in four different ways to deepen a student’s connection to and understanding of a word.
- Students divide a piece of paper into four sections, or a teacher provides a graphic organizer.
- Students write the key vocabulary word in the middle of the page.
- Teachers define the key vocabulary word for the students. (Students can refer to their vocabulary notebook if the teacher has already provided the definition.)
- Have students fill in the other squares alone or in small groups.
- Completed 4 Square Maps can be kept in the vocabulary notebook for future reference.
Modifications and extensions:
- Teachers can change what is required in each box based on needs for the unit. There are endless possibilities: examples/non-examples, synonyms/antonyms, characteristics, use the word in a sentence, draw a picture which shows the definition, write the word/definition in their home language (HILT/World Languages), etc.
- The 4 Square Map can be used for the study of a concept, theme, or other big idea as opposed to a single vocabulary word.